A Guide to Bartending Courses in Montreal

  • By: BT Staff
  • Date: March 3, 2024
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Dive into the vibrant nightlife of Montreal, Quebec’s largest city, where bartending is not just a job but a craft honed by dedicated professionals. With the right bartending course in Montreal, you can transform from a cocktail enthusiast into a professional bartender, crafting drinks that taste exquisite and create memorable experiences for patrons.

Top Bartending Schools in Montreal

Montreal, Quebec’s vibrant city, is home to several esteemed bartending schools, each with its unique teaching methods and program structure.

National Bartenders Bartending Schools

National Bartenders Bartending Schools began in 1984 and operated high-quality, affordable bartending schools across Southern California, New York, and Montreal. This school offers online and in-person bartending classes, with flexible hours available six days a week.

The duration of the program is entirely up to you, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Notably, every student is eligible for employment through their event staffing services, providing an opportunity for income while learning. Their classes emphasize hands-on bar training with 1-on-1 instruction and ensure sanitation compliance for all students​.

Website: National Bartenders Bartending Schools

Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ)

The ITHQ’s Bartending training program has been recognized and appreciated by employers for over 30 years. They offer application periods twice a year, from June 2 to August 15 for fall admissions and from November 2 to January 10 for winter admissions. Through this program, you will learn the tricks of the trade to become an exceptional bartender​.

Address: 3535, rue Saint-Denis, Montreal

Phone: 514 282-5111, 1-800-361-5111 (toll-free in Canada and the US)

Website: Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ)

École du Bar de Montréal

École du Bar de Montréal offers professional bartending, service, and mixology training. The school is designed to provide graduates with all the necessary tools to work effectively and professionally behind a bar. The training program is offered in a well-equipped, realistic work environment, allowing students to acquire practical know-how and essential theoretical knowledge.

They offer a one-week day course (Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM), a two-week night course (Monday to Thursday, 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM), and a course over two consecutive weekends (Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM)​.

Address: 325 rue Ontario Est, Montréal

Phone: 438 498-1045

Website: École du Bar de Montréal

Bartending School of Montreal

The Bartending School of Montreal provides a one-week bartending class that includes certification and covers all levels of bartending knowledge. The school provides all necessary equipment and materials, and classes can be held at the student’s home or one of the school’s multiple locations in Montreal.

The curriculum includes over 200 drink recipes, bartending techniques, and practical skills such as increasing tips and identifying when to stop serving a customer.

The courses start from $89.99/hr for in-home lessons and $329 for the Pouring/Bartending Basics Class​.

Address: 1090 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal, Montreal

Website: bartending-school.ca

Why Choose a Bartending Course?

Bartending is more than just serving alcohol; it’s about creating an experience.

Bartending combines the art of mixing drinks with the business skills necessary to thrive in the hospitality industry. A good bartender knows their recipes, but a great bartender understands their customers, creating memorable experiences that keep patrons coming back.

Bartending as a Lucrative Career

Making Money through Bartending

Bartending can be profitable, with opportunities to make money through wages and tips. The better the service, the higher the tips!

Opportunities for Bartenders in Events and Businesses

Beyond the bar, bartenders are in demand at weddings and corporate parties. Some bartenders even start their own businesses, providing mobile bartending services for events.

What to Expect from a Bartending Class?

Stepping into a bartending school, students can expect a complete program that teaches more than just mixing drinks.

Comprehensive Bartending Programs

Alcohol Service Training

A good bartending class covers the legal aspects of serving alcohol, including how to check IDs and handle intoxicated customers. The “Service in Action” certification is the recognized bartending certification in Quebec.

Creating Drinks

Of course, you’ll also learn to make drinks – from classic cocktails to innovative concoctions.

The Fun Aspect of Bartending Classes

Bartending classes aren’t just about learning but also about having fun. You’ll get to meet people with similar interests, and there’s a certain joy in mastering the art of mixing drinks.

Obtaining a Bartending Certificate

Upon completing the course, students receive a certificate, a crucial stepping stone in starting a bartending career.

How to Choose the Right Bartending Course for You?

With so many bartending classes, finding the right course that fits your interest can feel overwhelming.

Factors to Consider

Course Structure

Look for a course that provides a comprehensive curriculum, covering everything from the basics of mixing drinks to advanced bartending techniques.

Instructors’ Expertise

The instructors’ expertise plays a critical role in shaping your bartending skills. Ensure industry veterans teach the course with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

School’s Reputation

Consider the school’s reputation. Look for reviews and testimonials from past students.

The Importance of Hands-on Training

Practical, hands-on training is crucial in bartending. Make sure your course provides ample opportunities for real-world practice.

Opportunities for Bartenders in Montreal

Graduating from a bartending school in Montreal opens a world of opportunities in this bustling city.

Working in Montreal’s Bars and Restaurants

With a certificate in hand, graduates can work in any of the city’s many bars and restaurants, serving up drinks to locals and tourists alike.

Bartending at Events and Parties

Bartenders are also in high demand at events, where they can showcase their skills to a wider audience.

Starting Your Own Bartending Business

Starting a mobile bartending business can be rewarding for the entrepreneur. This allows you to bring your services to private events, corporate functions, and more.

Closing Thoughts: The Exciting World of Bartending

Bartending in Montreal offers a rewarding and exciting career for those who are passionate about the art of serving drinks. Encouraging interested persons to explore bartending courses and reinforcing the role of bartending in Montreal’s vibrant nightlife, we end with a final call to action: Contact a bartending school today!

Bartending in Quebec FAQ

Do you need a bartending license in Montreal?

In Quebec, no provincial law dictates a legal age for consuming, selling, or serving alcoholic beverages. The certification for this in Quebec is known as “Service in Action”, but it is not a mandatory requirement. Moreover, there is no minimum age to take the responsible serving exam associated with this certification.

What is the legal age to bartend in Quebec?

In Quebec, there is no specific legal age set for bartending. However, it’s worth noting that the legal drinking age in the province is 18.

Is bartending certification mandatory in Quebec?

No, the “Service in Action” certification, the recognized bartending certification in Quebec, is not mandatory. However, this certification can improve job prospects and provide valuable skills for bartending professionals.

How can I learn to bartend in Montreal?

There are several bartending schools in Montreal that offer comprehensive courses, such as the National Bartenders Bartending School, Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), École du Bar de Montréal, and LBS Bartending School. These schools provide in-person and online classes, accommodating students with different schedules.

Can I take bartending courses in English in Montreal?

Yes, many bartending schools in Montreal offer courses in both French and English. It’s best to check with the specific school for language options.

What skills can I expect to learn from a bartending course in Montreal?

In a typical bartending course, you’ll learn various skills, including mixology, drink recipes, speed techniques, customer service, and more. Certain programs also cover topics like wine tasting and service and offer tools to increase tips.

What is the cost of bartending courses in Montreal?

The cost of bartending courses in Montreal varies depending on the institution and the complexity of the course. For example, at LBS Bartending School, in-home lessons start from $89.99/hr per student, and a basic pouring/bartending class costs from $329.

Can I work while I train to become a bartender?

Yes, some schools, like the National Bartenders Bartending School, offer opportunities for students to work as servers or barbacks while they train, providing them with income and experience.